Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pics from Amsterdam

Amsterdam has an amazing museum scene.  We went to the Rijksmuseum, the Anne Frank House, the design museum, the Van Gogh Museum, the Sex Museum, the Rembrandt House.

My favorite work at the Van Gogh museum was not a Van Gogh

In the stair well of the Van Gogh Museum the Dutch sun made a cameo appearance for our camera

I like this one on the Amsterdam Canal tour, you can see architecture in the background

I call this one "getting ahead".  It is some kind of phrenology-eugenics study from 1900 on Javanese dudes using plaster casts.  Murray says the Javanese look pretty hot.  I'm down with that assessment.  

Photobombed outside the Rijksmuseum by an unhappy Dutch bust.

Murray is so happy... once she has her coffee.

I can just image the guy saying "What are you doing in my house?  You have no eye for art!"

I feel the burgundy on red in this piece combined with the composite soft filter effect of iphone motion and pixel decimation creates in the space a feeling of "incongruous spatial anachronism" 

Rembrandt.  The dude could paint.


  1. That bust is not a great work of art. :-)

  2. True. It does seem that sometimes things are in museums just because they are old...

  3. Wow Ike, your critique of the fuzzy eye stabbing holiday photo was spot on.

  4. So your Grand Tour is influencing you? You're getting some 'culture'.
