Saturday, November 29, 2014

More hot springs in Budapest

Murray was tired, but even so we ventured out on the metro to the hot springs Széchenyi Bath.  It was nice, but they didn't have a really hot pool.  It was also big and popular which made it a fun place to people watch.  There were plenty of couples snuggling and drifting by in the warm water which inspired one of a group of British girls to say "I totally feel like everyone around me is having sex".  It was a steamy scene, but literally.  It was a family place like a park.

Afterwards Murray was tired but went with me to pick up our clothes since I couldn't be trusted with laundry bags by myself.


  1. Laughing. Hungarians were fairly robust and rowdy with a penchant for lewd behavior as I recall. That spa was so historic that it made up for the lack of heat. Check out the produce market if you have time! The bridges are magnificent..especially at night.

    1. We wanted to go to the market today but didn't make it. Perhaps tomorrow. The bridges are cool. Hopefully we meet some of the more lewd crowd in Budapest so I have some more stories to tell. But I am guessing you got invited to more exciting parties than we do.

  2. Looks gorgeous! I liked the Fisherman's Bastion - and there's a funicular that was in a Jackie Chan movie.
