Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The 1% in Austria

In Vienna the desk clerk, Harold, was quite gregarious.  The MurMonster and I had a couple tourist stops picked out, the Musikhaus and the Mozarthaus and a concert by the Mahler Chamber Orchestra.  The MurMonster asked if there was anything else we should see.  Harold gave us a tourist map and began mapping out an entire walking tour for the evening with our desired stops on the way.

When I went to put on my jacket, he ran around the desk and helped me on with it.  Then as we were heading out, he stepped out the door to point us in the right direction and orient us with landmarks on the skyline.  He was a top 1%er.  Not in income I assume.  But for sure in the top 1% for customer service.

It occurred to me Harold was a bit effeminate, but we were in Austria and European guys have different affectations.  The MurMonster explained Harold was hitting on me, probably because he thought it was so cute as I was out showing Austria to my mom.  But because Harold was much to sophisticated to even hint at such a possibility in relationship, it was not necessary for her to privately hate him as it had been the Mexican/Columbians in Amsterdam who had verbalized their assumption.

I wasn't sure Murray was correct in her assessment of Harold.  I mean he was dressed pretty sharp in skinny pants that matched his suite jacket.  It gave him a hipster slant, but did his copy of "Vangardist" really mean anything?  But then my gaydar is pretty inaccurate.  It never occurs to me that men or women might be hitting on me.  That doesn't happen to engineers.  

Murray also tends to read these postsover my shoulder as I write them.  She would like you all to know she didn't privately hate the two Mexican-Columbians.  I suppose that is true.  She told me how unhappy she was with what they said and telling anything to Isaac certainly makes it not private.  It also makes it hard to be entertaining with her worrying in real time how she is portrayed in this blog as I write.  So feel free to email her and tell her that I paint a great picture of her and that she doesn't need to worry about agitating for editorial control.  :)


  1. You two provide quite the entertainment. It feels as though we are along on your journey. Isaac, I will gift you a tuning fork for your gaydar!

  2. Loving the banter and commentary. Murray need not worry. After a blog absence, I am catching up on your adventures!
