Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pictures from Prague

Ten points to the person that knows who sang "we dance like marionettes" without googling it. 

The castle that seems to inspired half of all Disney art in the background and my little princess in the foreground.

We went to see the Czech Philharmonic tonight.  Not Berlin, but still pretty amazing.

On the Charles Bridge in Prague

The white marks on my black jeans are not from my new cocaine habit.  The tour guide actually suggested I try picking up the German cannon balls in the background.  They hit the city hall we were under.  Tour guides in the states would never say something like that.  And no, I couldn't lift it.  I was getting close and Murray's "he's going to have a hernia" response kicked in.

The medieval vibe in this basement restaurant is so real it makes your hair stand up.  Or it could be that stupid blue hat you see in some of the other pics.  Hard to say.

They no longer have communists in Prague.  But they also don't have vegetables.  So I went to the supermarket, bought the four I recognized and made pork medallions with green beans, bell peppers, and carrots in a garlic-ginger sauce.

Apparently people rub this statue at the Prague Castle for good luck.

Prague Castle

Murray proud at having hiked all the way up to where you can see nothing but roofs.  

In front of the Kafka museum is a statue of two guys peeing into a pool shaped like the Czech Republic.  I thought perhaps it was some pissing contest around the founding of the country.  But no, just whimsical, the statues move in two axis and you can SMS a message for them to write out in the water.  I was going to take a photo of me pretending to drink from the fountain, but Murray "saved me from myself".

It is said that when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade.  But life rarely gives you any sugar when it is giving you lemons.  But you can freshen up your trough style lavatory.

The storefront window asks that you "have a hardcore holiday".  Perhaps this holiday tradition goes with the phallic public art.  I am not up on Czech customs. 

Did I mention I like whimsical public art.

Murray pondering "what is wrong with this statue?"


  1. So many comments to make that I am just going to say, "well done."

  2. I like the stand up hair.

    1. I like to be a stand up guy, but stand up hair. I don't know. Seems like mom spent a lot of effort, and occasionally spittle, trying to get it to lie down. Murray likes hair that stands up too, but just because she thinks her hair is too flat. I would like to think of my hair as being part of me, not this separate entity with it's own life, going to parties without me coming back and looking like all heck when I am fine and dandy.

  3. You really should start a new career and write for travel guides. Love it!
    Did either of you rub the statue for good luck?
